by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?
As I sometimes hit a wall and question the need to keep searching, I find myself looking for that something that I just cannot see. There are many out there in the social forums that share, and thus we all provide a different source of support. For myself, I know that my approach is showcasing my own vulnerability, so I am not focused on overwhelming those that can hear me with facts and bullet points. No, I'm coming straight to you with experiential wisdom as I tap into your own struggle, whatever that may be. My writing is that parallel process that speaks to that inner voice of yours, hoping to help you hit the pause, reflect and breathe, Who's Looking...
As we set to close down one season, while transitioning into a new one filled with future opportunities, my hope is that you will move closer to being available to see it. I was reminded of just that earlier, when for a moment I went to that place of question and comparison... You know that space that is more about our own stuff than what anyone or anything may be doing, so I ask you Who's Looking... It is very easy for our outlook on life, work, relationships, you name it to be influenced by the stress and uncertainty that WE bring into it. When we carry this intention we are not operating with a peace of mind, we are often pointing the finger (and blame) towards someone or something that WE feel is the source of our distress. A friend of mine once told me that our state of mind is so greatly influenced by having a peace of mind. This lesson is one that I hold as true, and so I use this example as another opportunity for you to see your own opening...
I encourage anyone out there that can hear me to continue to trust where you are at, while you embrace the learning that sits side by side with difficulty. If you have not figured it out by now, Who's Looking is that opportunity to accept where we are at without judgment or control, as we realize who we are truly competing against. There is no need to overthink the process, you just have to trust it as you continue to be well to your self...
My hope for you this week is that my words find you available and open to what resides on the other side of your own mirror. It's always a choice, one that will demand a level of effort that will require you to work, but let me just say... When you breakthrough that space, the change you will see is transformative, truly empowering. May the holiday weekend find you breathing well, until the next time we cross paths...

Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process. More about the man behind the mission ⇢
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