"You don't have to think about doing the right thing. If you're for the right thing, then you do it without thinking."
~ Maya Angelou

March 13, 2015

Change is Constant, Growth is Optional...

by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?

Where have I been...  September 2014 seems so distant, the last time my process touched these keys as I tapped into my experiential learning, change and growth.  Change has happened as it does, and the growth that  I have been available to receive, well that is offered as a choice one will always get to make.  So, I ask all of those that can hear me?  Are you searching for that destination that may never come, or are you striving to add to your self as you embrace the journey you are immersed into?  Change is Constant, Growth is Optional...

The process has not not always been easy for myself, as I can always touch the past and the lessons that have come.  What prevents us from growth?  We can go to those automatic thoughts that we know so well, just one of many ways to rationalize the irrational possibilities that are just that, opportunities.  When you are able to receive, well than you are side by side with acceptance, and this is when growth becomes more of a reality than...  Change is Constant, Growth is Optional...

As I end the process this time around, my hope for all of those that are listening...  Allow your story to inspire and empower your way, as you choose to embrace the uncertain, while trusting the process that will always have your back. May the intention find you breathing well out there as you continue to add to what will become the best of YOU!  Change is Constant, Growth is Optional...

About Author

Daniel Jacob, MSW, LCSW  Email 
Founder of Can You Hear Me?  Adjunct Lecturer and External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work | VAC.  Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work).  Through the many lessons and opportunities that Daniel has learned from and gravitated towards...  Awareness, purpose and direction have been offered as he continues to work towards progress!  More about the man behind the mission ⇢

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this blog post. I think it's message is beautiful and true. Change is inevitable, and people can choose to either learn from experiences and from change or they can be stubborn and remain complacent. Thanks for sharing this.
