"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you."
Anthony Robbins
Good day to all! I hope you are breathing well, or as well as you can as you move through the week. I write today with purpose and another opportunity to share what I have learned so those that Can Hear Me can move with me and forward. So, that quote above in bold is from the one and only Anthony "Tony" Robbins ever heard of him? Sure you have and perhaps like myself if you really didn't have much of a reference point other than his infomercials and public perception, you may have thought of Mr. Robbins as a little bit of a gimmick, maybe a little short of a cult following or evangelical preacher type ready to jump at you and through you so he can help heal your pain and suffering. Well, I will own up and say I was wrong about what I thought and it took another lesson to learn through the eyes of another, understanding their story, their past that shaped and influenced their choices, decisions, and opportunities to show me how Mr. Robbins came to having such a powerful platform and following. I have to thank Oprah for the introduction, yup the icon herself has put together a new show called "Next Chapter" where she goes behind the scenes to bring us the real deal about public figures that often we form public opinions based on hear say or media portrayals, not always fact. As I watched her show on Tony Robbins I began to understand him better, and the amount of effort, sacrifice, studying, and much more he has put into his craft. I was intrigued enough to start reading one of his books (Awaken the Giant Within you can see more about this book on my shelfari shelf to the right) and I found that what he is speaking to made sense, I could relate to what he was saying and understood how it could be applied to actual life experiences.
The quote above resonated and I wanted to share this. However, I feel we must remember that success is not necessarily defined by the $ amount. Success is really having the opportunity to overcome the obstacles that have held one back, causing undue pain and suffering. The ability and opportunity to take control of your life in a positive manner, that's real success. I am only 100 pages into the book and although it was written 20 years ago and much in the world (that Mr. Robbins talks about) has changed, I am finding it to be another learning opportunity to see through the eyes of another. It has allowed me to break away from a perception about the author that I was wrong about, and can honestly own up to. When you recognize that and there is an opportunity to grow, learn, and move forward, well then that is not a bad thing! So, if you are interested and consider yourself to be a work in progress you may want to do a little fact finding of your own and check out one of Anthony "Tony" Robbins works. Before I finish up let me leave you with some more words on the pain/pleasure concept per Mr. Robbins and straight from the pages of Awaken the Giant Within:
"It's not actual pain that drives us, but our fear that something will lead to pain. And its not actual pleasure that drives us, but our belief- our sense of certainty- that somehow taking a certain action will lead to pleasure. Were not driven by reality, but by our perception of reality!"
I write almost everyday in a journal. It's something that I have picked up over the last few and it helps me breathe easier when at times its real hard. Having the opportunity to write in this forum allows for the same outcome, but now I am able to share with others who I can support, empower, and only help move a little closer to living the quality of life that they deserve to have. A life that that will always allow one to learn from yesterday, so that they can live today. Until we meet again may this find all those that Can Hear Me in a wonderful way, remember its all good, and even when it may feel otherwise, its still all good!!!
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