Who Do YOU Want To Be? Here we are 2014! First, let me wish all of those that can hear me a very Happy New Year! I know for some, the transition back from having time off may have been a little rough. I get that as I found myself ill just when I found the time to breathe... However, as I/We approach the end of the week we are reminded once again of the power of our resilient being, as it moves us forward. My writing this week is inspired by my own process, and the actions we all have the opportunity to enact. I would imagine that this first week back into your reality may have provided some moments where you felt as though "I just can't or I don't want to..." So I ask, Who Do YOU Want To Be?
It's a pretty straight forward question, one that can be addressed as long as you are a willing participant? For example, at the beginning of the week I found myself unmotivated, disengaged and in a place and space that was not going to support any type of availability for others. Who I was and who I wanted to be were truly far apart. I found myself being tough on the one person who held the power to change his state, with a little acceptance in order I asked the question, Who Do YOU Want To Be? I knew the answer, and so I began the process with action, choice and my resilient being by my side...
I went to that place that has supported me well during these challenging moments (when you are struggling to find the door). You see, it's okay to feel this way, the importance lies within what you do with these feelings. If you choose to reinforce negative behavior and actions (i.e. unhealthy coping mechanisms) then your outcome will be nothing more of the same, and it will likely have you moving further away from where you really need (and deserve) to be heading. I have worked extremely hard to implement practices that support my self-care and well-being, so there was no question in my mind that I was going to get there. I had to work through it though, and because I recognize the learning and growth within this space I knew I was going to be alright!
As I bring my thoughts to a close, my hope is that I have left you with some further support that ultimately allows you opportunity. No matter where you find yourself at in the world you are living in, YOU have a choice. One that can be continually addressed, while accepting of the lessons that will always be available for you. We can not help others change for the better if WE are unable to help ourselves. Being on auto-pilot in practice is as transparent as it gets and so I ask,
Who Do YOU Want To Be?
Until the next time my words meet your availability, may the weekend find you breathing well...
About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process as he continues to work towards progress! More about the man behind the mission⇢
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