"You don't have to think about doing the right thing. If you're for the right thing, then you do it without thinking."
~ Maya Angelou

September 21, 2013

Running With The Homeboys!

by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?

Homeboy 5K 2013
Running With The Homeboys! Today was a good day as I embraced an opportunity, a cause, and the well-being that I have wholeheartedly committed to!  Today I was a part of a community that provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women, allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community. 

Today I was Running With The Homeboys!  As I reflect into my writing I am taken to a place that shows me the parallel.  You see, the life that is presented to each one of us comes with its own unique plan.  The journey that not everyone will understand is both different and similar for us all.  The opportunity (and choice) to learn from the obstacles that come, will always allow for that chance to overcome so we can walk with our head up and heart open.  Running With The Homeboys was more than just supporting the cause, one that I truly hold close to my heart, interest and practice. No, today I was reminded once again how far one can come, and how you do not arrive here with out the work and community of support. The parallel is just that, none of us can ever change for the better with out the effort, commitment, and the support system that helps us get there... 

Today I was reminded of just that process, while looking through my lens of hope, choice and opportunity. As Father Greg (the founder and foundation of Homeboy Industries) says so well, "our support and services are not for those that need them, but for those that want them." This is it... My example, the homeboys example, and what can be your example is based on that "want." If you choose for that change, while being self determined then you will be moving in the right direction... It doesn't mean you won't face the challenges or stressors that are part of the journey, you will. What it means is that you will have some needed skills, and a toolbox ready to access with the support intact.  Running With The Homeboys is just that, an example that parallels the essence of how one changes for the better. 

As I leave you with some thought, and the process that moves you towards your own opportunity, my hope is that you have received the message. The one that is sent to you vicariously through my own experience, in addition to the passion I have serving and supporting those in need. Today was a good day, I was Running With The Homeboys!

About Author

Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process. More about the man behind the mission⇢

September 12, 2013

I Had A Moment...

by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?

How are we doing this week?  My hope is that you've found yourself learning from yesterday so that you can live well today.  As I write today's post my inspiration is within me and thus I am ready to share to all of those that can hear me!  This morning I had a moment that allowed me to time travel back to a familiar place that I use to visit when I was a child.  It happened as I was immersed into one of my usual morning selfcare practices, and before I knew it I was passing by a childhood memory that brought me back.  I had a moment, one that provided me with an opportunity to reflect, and by doing so I once again was able to breathe a little easier...

Nearly four decades later this physical space that I was looking upon was still intact.  It looked the same as I had remembered, though much has transpired for myself since those early years as a kid.  As a young boy when I was told we were going there I often found my emotions mixed with excitement and fear.  I was excited to have the opportunity to go, but somewhat anxious for what I knew I could not control.  However, we always went back, and sure enough after I was finished with this experience everything was OK.
Life has been much of the same, walking through it with moments of excitement and fear.  I've always found myself coming back, and the process has taught me much...  I had a moment and once again I am empowered by the lessons I've learned, the one's that continue to find me years later.  No matter what challenges have been presented, or the pain that has found its way as a result, the healing has provided opportunity.  Where I am today has only allowed me to embrace these moments as I continue to add to my work towards progress.  This is it, the classroom is right there ready to be entered, as long as you are available to see it.

May you embrace your own moments as they are part of the process.  They will always be necessary in order to move forward and towards that space that has opportunity waiting for you.  Own it, learn from it, and may you find yourself being able to accept it!  They are brought to you by reason because you are that resilient being, and these moments are just another opening to show you the way.  Until we connect again as always may this find you breathing well...

About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process. More about the man behind the mission ⇢  

September 6, 2013

Where Are We Going?

by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?

Where Are We Going?  As I reach and teach I am always presented with an opportunity to empower and support.  One might ask, how do you know you are making this kind of impact?  My response would go like this, when the eyes of those I am trying to teach reach mine, their focus shares all I need to know...  My writing this week is inspired by the work I am doing with MSW students and the mutual process that unfolds.  As my students find themselves transitioning into a new semester, there is another opportunity to add to their own works toward progress, and the learning is in place. 

Where Are We Going?  It is as much about the uncertain as it applies to what one has been able to add to their toolbox.  You see, often when we are immersed into our goals and tasks at hand, we can lose sight of the awareness needed to recognize what opportunities we have gained.  Today was about identifying competency as much as it was about striving towards progress that is yet to be achieved.  I challenge my student's to pause along the way, not losing sight of all the learning that surrounds them as they often just want to check off the next item on the list.  I want them to be mindful and in tune with the practice opportunities that will never be on the syllabi, but can impact their development in a manner that will effectively add to their skill set and ability to reach those in need.

Where Are We  Going?  It is a process, and if you trust it, you will be presented with openings that you never imagined would be possible...  It is in this space and place that one is empowered and motivated to embrace challenge and difficulty, not as a chore, but rather as a choice.  Can You Hear Me?  If you can then perhaps you are following my lead here.  It's a straight path towards insight, observation and the objectivity that a helping professional would need, not only to help those in need, but to support themselves in the process.  Today was a good day...  It signified to me that those I was striving to reach were available and present, and when this is in place, then there is no question as to Where Are We Going?

Once again, when one teaches two learn!  I am continually inspired by the opportunity that I have been given, one that I do not take for granted.  You see, I am in a position to not only impact the future of social work as it applies to the students I support, but what they take into the field as a result has the opportunity to transcend...  This is where I am going, and I hold no reservations as to what is possible, an opportunity for a level of change that can impact all parties involved.  As I reflect on just that I am empowered, and provided with another moment to breathe a little easier with my head up and heart open...

"It's not what you look at that matters, 
it's what you see." 
~Henry David Thoreau

About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process. More about the man behind the mission ⇢