"You don't have to think about doing the right thing. If you're for the right thing, then you do it without thinking."
~ Maya Angelou

January 24, 2014

Support X 2

by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?

Nice to be back in a familiar place with another opportunity to engage in some Support x 2.  What does this mean, you may be thinking to yourself?  It is no more, and no less than the parallel process that happens as a result of the support I extend to all of those that can hear me.  My platform is not traveling down a one way street.  It is by far a two way interaction, as when I give I am receiving in the process.  However, this would not be possible if I was not a work towards progress, choosing to be open and available to opportunities that better the quality of my life.  By following this approach I am continually adding to my personal self and professional practice as I embrace the Support x 2!

As a result of this platform (and the process that is transpiring) I am humbled and grateful for the many opportunities that I have been given to meet some truly inspiring helping professionals along this journey.  One in particular, Relando Thompkins, MSW,LLMSW (Servant Leader, Teacher, Learner, Social Change Agent: Writer of Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.) has been a friend and supporter of CYHM? for sometime now.  Although we live on opposite sides of the country, and our platforms and target market are different, we are united as passionate helping professionals who strive to do the right thing without thinking!  Relando recently extended another Support x 2 opportunity my way, as he presented me with several questions related to the story behind this platform.  When you have an available moment, please do check out Relando's efforts as you will truly learn through his eyes!

Relando Thompkins, MSW, LLMSWI was recently given another opportunity to share some insights into how this blog/platform began, and what the lies beneath the lens of my passion and inspiration.  I humbled and grateful for t 
1. What inspired you to start blogging?

My inspiration to start blogging was really born out of my Breaking Open experience, and the recovery from it.  I had something to share as you could imagine what happens as a result of overcoming such an intense experience...  It truly opened up a door, and the efforts as a result have strengthened my resilience in a manner that allows me to embrace my own vulnerability, while sharing my story and support.  As I strive to inspire, empower and help my fellow professionals in need, I am being served as well!

2. Is there a special story or meaning behind your blog’s title?

Can You Hear Me? was chosen because I recognize that when others are available to listen and digest, they are more likely to receive what is being given.  Therefore, the title is about the person on the other end and their availability, choice, awareness, and the opportunity that is right here ready to help you help yourself.  The title does not mean "listen to me because of what I have to say" but rather, "listen to what I mean."  My passion, empathy and compassion to help those in need is just that, there are no other motives involved in this platform: Words with a voice, a story, and an opportunity to inspire others to change for the better!

3. Who/what inspires you?

I gravitate towards inspiration in thought, practice, and within the story that resides in all of us.  I am inspired and enlightened by the many learning experiences I have gained through the eyes of others, in the literal sense and through reading.  My sociology and social work roots/interests have provided me with so many resources, guides and valuable tools that will always serve me well as sources of inspiration.  I am also inspired by my own story, one that has shown me the true depth of resilience, overcoming and healing.  The reality of these outcomes ignite my inspiration and move me forward as I strive to inspire others!  

4. What do you hope to achieve with your blog?

My hope is to provide those in the field of helping professionals an opportunity to be supported, and heard.  My experiences (both personally and professionally) have afforded me some valuable insight and awareness that I am choosing to share with only one goal in mind, to help those in need help themselves.  My blog allows me to share in a manner that supports the unsupported, while creating a safe and trusted space. We are helpers that need to be helped from time to time, and that's OK because when you commit to (while trusting) the process, you will transform and the opportunities as a result of, by far change for the better.   

5. Do you have any advice for anyone who would want to start a blog of their own?

It's definitely a work in progress endeavor.  For myself (and like many others out there) I am self taught as it applies to format, social media, marketing, etc.  With that being said you don't have to have everything figured out when you start a blog.  You are not on your own as there are many sources of support available out there through the various modes of electronic sharing.  If the passion and desire are intact, and you have something of value to share, the rest will work itself out.  

I will say that we (those who blog) all have different goals and aspirations when it comes to sharing, and so the outcome you are looking for is an expectation that you get to create.  I share my experience, support and vulnerability, while providing resources and instruction.  Therefore, my model is much different than one who shares third party and/or other content, without any exposure to their own thoughts, emotion and struggle.  Allow your passion to shine while daring greatly, it can be a very rewarding process!

As always it has been my honor to be given this opportunity to share and support.  I hope that after reading this post you have been provided further learning about my community of support.  A platform that continues to grow and evolve, while being available to help you help yourself.  Until the next time may you be well to yourself as you deserve! 

10 Questions for Nominees to Answer, Should They Accept
1. What inspired you to start blogging?
2. Is there a special story or meaning behind your blog’s title? If so, please share it.
3. How would you explain your basic life philosophy?
4. Who/what inspires you?
5. Which of your blog posts is your favorite and why?
6.Other than your own, what are some of your favorite blogs?
7. Do you have any advice for anyone who would want to start a blog of their own?
8. Where do you get your inspiration for blogging?
9.  What do you hope to achieve with your blog?
10. Share the link to one of your blog posts that you think deserves more attention.
- See more at: http://www.relandothompkins.com/2014/01/07/notes-from-an-aspiring-humanitarian-recieves-the-liebster-award/#sthash.1iJWnUyN.dpuf
10 Questions for Nominees to Answer, Should They Accept
1. What inspired you to start blogging?
2. Is there a special story or meaning behind your blog’s title? If so, please share it.
3. How would you explain your basic life philosophy?
4. Who/what inspires you?
5. Which of your blog posts is your favorite and why?
6.Other than your own, what are some of your favorite blogs?
7. Do you have any advice for anyone who would want to start a blog of their own?
8. Where do you get your inspiration for blogging?
9.  What do you hope to achieve with your blog?
10. Share the link to one of your blog posts that you think deserves more attention.
- See more at: http://www.relandothompkins.com/2014/01/07/notes-from-an-aspiring-humanitarian-recieves-the-liebster-award/#sthash.1iJWnUyN.dp
10 Questions for Nominees to Answer, Should They Accept
1. What inspired you to start blogging?
2. Is there a special story or meaning behind your blog’s title? If so, please share it.
3. How would you explain your basic life philosophy?
4. Who/what inspires you?
5. Which of your blog posts is your favorite and why?
6.Other than your own, what are some of your favorite blogs?
7. Do you have any advice for anyone who would want to start a blog of their own?
8. Where do you get your inspiration for blogging?
9.  What do you hope to achieve with your blog?
10. Share the link to one of your blog posts that you think deserves more attention.
- See more at: http://www.relandothompkins.com/2014/01/07/notes-from-an-aspiring-humanitarian-recieves-the-liebster-award/#sthash.1iJWnUyN.dpuf
About Author

Daniel Jacob, MSW
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC.  Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work).  He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process as he continues to work towards progress!  More about the man behind the mission⇢

January 10, 2014

Who Do YOU Want To Be?

by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?

Who Do YOU Want To Be?  Here we are 2014!  First, let me wish all of those that can hear me a very Happy New Year!  I know for some, the transition back from having time off may have been a little rough.  I get that as I found myself ill just when I found the time to breathe...  However, as I/We approach the end of the week we are reminded once again of the power of our resilient being, as it moves us forward.  My writing this week is inspired by my own process, and the actions we all have the opportunity to enact.  I would imagine that this first week back into your reality may have provided some moments where you felt as though "I just can't or I don't want to..."  So I ask, Who Do YOU Want To Be?

It's a pretty straight forward question, one that can be addressed as long as you are a willing participant?  For example, at the beginning of the week I found myself unmotivated, disengaged and in a place and space that was not going to support any type of availability for others.  Who I was and who I wanted to be were truly far apart.  I found myself being tough on the one person who held the power to change his state, with a little acceptance in order I asked the question, Who Do YOU Want To Be?  I knew the answer, and so I began the process with action, choice and my resilient being by my side...

I went to that place that has supported me well during these challenging moments (when you are struggling to find the door).  You see, it's okay to feel this way, the importance lies within what you do with these feelings.  If you choose to reinforce negative behavior and actions (i.e. unhealthy coping mechanisms) then your outcome will be nothing more of the same, and it will likely have you moving further away from where you really need (and deserve) to be heading.  I have worked extremely hard to implement practices that support my self-care and well-being, so there was no question in my mind that I was going to get there.  I had to work through it though, and because I recognize the learning and growth within this space I knew I was going to be alright!

As I bring my thoughts to a close, my hope is that I have left you with some further support that ultimately allows you opportunity.  No matter where you find yourself at in the world you are living in, YOU have a choice.  One that can be continually addressed, while accepting of the lessons that will always be available for you.  We can not help others change for the better if WE are unable to help ourselves.  Being on auto-pilot in practice is as transparent as it gets and so I ask,
Who Do YOU Want To Be?

Until the next time my words meet your availability, may the weekend find you breathing well...

 About Author

Daniel Jacob, MSW
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC.  Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work).  He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process as he continues to work towards progress!  More about the man behind the mission⇢