"You don't have to think about doing the right thing. If you're for the right thing, then you do it without thinking."
~ Maya Angelou

October 10, 2011


Good day on this Monday!  Yeah, Monday's have a way about them, not always the day we look at and towards as a good one.  However, we get through the beginning of the week as we do, and thus we move closer to another day, an opportunity to learn from the Monday so we can move forward on the Tuesday.  Today, for myself is a day of excitement, risk, uncertainty, and everything that often goes into immersing yourself in to a new challenge and endeavor.  This endeavor for me came after much searching and the experience (s) that go into figuring out what works, what does not, and really what your abilities and skills (in my case) can provide for others, in a way that helps produce positive change for the better!

Therefore, my excitement is not just an initial reaction to creating this opportunity and what I see as the benefits of.  My excitement goes way deeper.  My excitement is a feeling and energy that validates and reinforces all of the moments in my life (good and bad) that led me to this current point in my life and opportunity as a result.  My excitement is one that tells me "your good man, go out there and show others what you got, what you can give, show them how your heart can speak where you have everyone' attention and focus, go do it."  So, that is what I am going to do and I have never felt better about that.  Until we meet again may you embrace the life in front of you, may you love today so you can live tomorrow.  If you find yourself unable to see this, then please understand that as difficult and challenging as life can be...  It is this way to teach you how you can get through it, learn from it, so you can breathe and move forward!

When There Are No Obvious Paths To Achieve Your Dreams, Make Up Your Own.
Tavis Smiley 

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