by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?
It's Possible! Ever heard that one before? As I reflected on what to share for this post I was reminded of a recent passage from another opportunity to learn through the eyes of another... The learning was not new information to me, but definitely information that we can easily lose sight of. The idea of possible thinking when we are challenged, overwhelmed, anxious and the emotion that comes along for the ride. Our culture, socialization, and the many examples that present themselves often promote that the way to get away from negative thinking is the opposite. However, often the positive way can increase one's worry and levels of stress when we find the outcome we want no where to be found. Therefore, instead of striving to be all or nothing, why not think in terms of It's Possible!
Sounds pretty simple when it's spelled out for us huh? Well, that's the truth in what often one can create when they find themselves consumed in a manner that will not promote clarity or awareness. I can truthfully share that I will continue to learn this lesson as I strive to be that work towards progress. Often, the need to slow down, assess the situation, accept and then act in the most supportive and honest way we are able to get to the idea that It's Possible!
Recently, I've had to direct my focus and attention on a single project that is both important and challenging. What comes with this effort is the kind of difficulty that sounds like "I need to get to this, but I just can't stop doing that..." Sound familiar? It's more than a need for time management here. It's about focus, negative thinking, worry and the impact we take on when the uncertain is just that. So, I found myself having to take a two week refresher course in how to manage (and cope) with my needs in a way that was going to support my wellness. I had to re-evaluate what was working versus what was not serving me well. I needed to keep working, trust my process and ultimately see the possibility within the difficulty!
I eventually found my way back and by preparing (doing the work) while striving to do my best, the rewards of opportunity have once again presented themselves. The teaching will always be there. However, the results will never come if you are not willing to put in the time (and effort) with trust as your guide. Until the next time my words meet your availability, as always may this find you breathing well...
About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern
California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in
Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is
currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process as he continues to work towards progress! More about the man behind the mission⇢
"You don't have to think about doing the right thing. If you're for the right thing, then you do it without thinking." ~ Maya Angelou
February 21, 2014
February 7, 2014
by Daniel Jacob, MSW: Founder of Can You Hear Me?
Hope... You may have heard it before as it is the message that we hold on to in times of need. It is surrounded by feelings, expectation, and often that desired outcome we convince ourselves we must have. As I recognize another opportunity to share, I am filled with inspiration as I choose to model it forward. Hope...
As we move into February, we are moving... Whether it is in the direction of choice, we always have a say in the matter. Yes, at times difficulty will arrive as when we just can't shake that "something" that seems to have a hold on us. It is exactly this example of challenge that has my thoughts processing today with Hope...
As helping professionals we often have the insight and a level of awareness as it applies to behavior, psychosocial stressors, risk factors and all those intangible forces that impact and effect one's well-being. We are not protected from feeling (and taking on) these certain factors just because we are the helpers. Therefore, it will always be important to recognize that we can be as exposed and vulnerable to these forces just like those we strive to reach and support. Hope...
Imagine one of those moments when you just can not seem to remove that worry of what is yet to happen. Whether it's a client's current status that is weighing you down, a pending meeting that revolves around uncertainty, or a personal challenge that you just can't seem to breakthrough... If you are not well, meaning YOU are in that place of heightened worry and stress and you are not taking action/practice to facilitate change for the better, you will most definitely be suffering. Now imagine you are taking healthy/positive measures to manage and cope with these areas of challenge, and you are still not feeling right... What are you going to do? Would you stop taking care of your needs? Are you going to turn to unhealthy and negative coping mechanisms?
Now that I have you in thought there is a message waiting for you... The process of being well will need you to be patient with some Hope by your side. You see, just because your practicing self-care and doing the necessary work, you are by no means removed from feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated and the gamut of emotions that are available for us all. What it does mean though is that with practice in place you will be able to manage, cope and recover in a much more healthy and supportive manner. You've heard me say it before "trust the process, change takes time." If you are a non-believer, please feel free to experiment with this model. The next time you find yourself consumed (and in the place and space that does not have you well) don't take care of yourself, do the opposite as you numb and suppress... At this point ask yourself, how am I feeling right here right now?
May my words today find you with some perspective, and another opportunity to help you help yourself (or someone in your circle who is in need). Remember, hope is friends with resilience, but neither of them show up without effort and trust. I am confident that what I've shared today is "truth" and "valid" as I have lived the example, and it only took a breakdown to produce a breakthrough. Hope...
About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process as he continues to work towards progress! More about the man behind the mission⇢
Hope... You may have heard it before as it is the message that we hold on to in times of need. It is surrounded by feelings, expectation, and often that desired outcome we convince ourselves we must have. As I recognize another opportunity to share, I am filled with inspiration as I choose to model it forward. Hope...
As we move into February, we are moving... Whether it is in the direction of choice, we always have a say in the matter. Yes, at times difficulty will arrive as when we just can't shake that "something" that seems to have a hold on us. It is exactly this example of challenge that has my thoughts processing today with Hope...
As helping professionals we often have the insight and a level of awareness as it applies to behavior, psychosocial stressors, risk factors and all those intangible forces that impact and effect one's well-being. We are not protected from feeling (and taking on) these certain factors just because we are the helpers. Therefore, it will always be important to recognize that we can be as exposed and vulnerable to these forces just like those we strive to reach and support. Hope...
Imagine one of those moments when you just can not seem to remove that worry of what is yet to happen. Whether it's a client's current status that is weighing you down, a pending meeting that revolves around uncertainty, or a personal challenge that you just can't seem to breakthrough... If you are not well, meaning YOU are in that place of heightened worry and stress and you are not taking action/practice to facilitate change for the better, you will most definitely be suffering. Now imagine you are taking healthy/positive measures to manage and cope with these areas of challenge, and you are still not feeling right... What are you going to do? Would you stop taking care of your needs? Are you going to turn to unhealthy and negative coping mechanisms?
Now that I have you in thought there is a message waiting for you... The process of being well will need you to be patient with some Hope by your side. You see, just because your practicing self-care and doing the necessary work, you are by no means removed from feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated and the gamut of emotions that are available for us all. What it does mean though is that with practice in place you will be able to manage, cope and recover in a much more healthy and supportive manner. You've heard me say it before "trust the process, change takes time." If you are a non-believer, please feel free to experiment with this model. The next time you find yourself consumed (and in the place and space that does not have you well) don't take care of yourself, do the opposite as you numb and suppress... At this point ask yourself, how am I feeling right here right now?
May my words today find you with some perspective, and another opportunity to help you help yourself (or someone in your circle who is in need). Remember, hope is friends with resilience, but neither of them show up without effort and trust. I am confident that what I've shared today is "truth" and "valid" as I have lived the example, and it only took a breakdown to produce a breakthrough. Hope...
About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process as he continues to work towards progress! More about the man behind the mission⇢
Can You Hear Me?,
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