“If you’re not sure where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.”
~ Anonymous
Like many out there who put their thoughts to page you sometimes have to search for topic, motivation, and all that goes into supporting your mission... This is not to say that you don't have something to offer, give, and put out to the universe. What this means is that you are aware that what you put out is a representation of you, your model, and the desire to communicate (your said goals) in order to promote effective change, while creating a community of support. Therefore, you choose wisely, while making sure that what is being shared has the potential to be heard.
"Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.”
~ Napoleon Hill
So, this is where I found myself at prior to hitting the keys this afternoon. I began the day in the early hours of the morning, practicing as I often do in order to get the mind straight, and move into the day with my head up and heart open. First, I put some thoughts into the journal, and then I immersed myself into some reading, digesting, and another learning opportunity. One that would allow me to better myself, so that I would be further equipped to help support others. In order to be available to this, one has to not only make it happen, but be in that space that has them present and well, with the ability to comprehend and interpret. Many out there may be thinking, "I wish that was possible, or I am so far removed from having that opportunity." What I will say to that is it is not impossible, but it takes determination, discipline, and a change in self-talk from I can't (= I certainly am not trying) to I can!
“The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in
your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others;
it is in yourself alone.”
~ Orison Sweet Marden
The book in mention, and what I am currently reading is Trauma Stewardship by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky (with Connie Burk). I'm half way through it, and let me just say, there are about a dozen little yellow sticky notes coming out of the pages, so that in itself should tell you that there is some great information and insight within this work. The book offers the reader an opportunity to explore, grow, hope, and recover. I would say the book style is parallel to a didactic teaching experience, one that shares information, guidance, practice wisdom, and plenty of resources (books, websites, experts in the field, etc.). As with everything that I share, you now have a choice on whether (or not) you will take the opportunity that presents itself. My only hope is that you do not reinforce any type of resistance or avoidance because you feel it will be too difficult to explore, or ask of you what you may feel you can not give. Changing for the better is hard work, it takes much, and exactly what you project in your practice (and ask of your clients) is what it takes, so...
Until next week, may these words find you at the door, what lies on the other side will only present itself when you turn the handle and move forward. Breathe well out there!
About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process. More about the man behind the mission ⇢
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