A Social Worker for the Helping Professionals! |
When I started this community of support I was empowered to do so as a result of overcoming a very intense physical and emotional break. It was just the beginning, and as the days, weeks, months (and now years) have followed I am witness to a healthier self, and a much more evolved practice. I reflect on this often, recognizing that choice, change, and unlimited opportunity are as available as I am! I use this message frequently, not to fill space, but to plant that seed while sending it to those in need. I imagine that for some, this time of year is nothing more than shutting down, numbing the pain, just trying to survive. I get that... I've lived that... Can You Hear Me?
If you're new to my story, may you know that what I choose to share comes with compassion, empathy, and the kind of support that can only be inspired by passion. What I can do for you is nothing more than a opportunity to help you help yourself. What you can choose to do for yourself has the potential to be life changing... I have learned many valuable (and needed) lessons over time, ones that I honestly thought I had down. It turns out that I had to take some classes over because I lost sight of some things. To know others is smart. To know yourself is wise. The classroom is always open, whether or not you will be a student is yours to decide, Can You Hear Me?
I wish all of those that can hear me a healthy and joyful new year to come. May this new beginning allow you to learn from today so that you can live in tomorrow. May you be kind to yourself and others, embracing the idea that we are more similar than different. No matter how many reasons you come up with that tell you not to, you only need one to begin. As I end this process may you find yours, while embracing the vulnerability that you will need to confront in order to achieve that change you truly deserve. I am the outcome that is possible, and if my words have not reached you... They will always be where you can find them, when you are available to receive... Can You Hear Me?
About Author
Daniel Jacob, MSW Email
Founder of Can You Hear Me? External Field Instructor at University of Southern California School of Social Work MSW@USC. Daniel has a Masters in Social Work (Families and Children Practice/School Social Work). He is currently nearing the completion of the LCSW testing process as he continues to work towards progress! More about the man behind the mission⇢